This research article examines the playful learning experiences of higher education students co-creating and playing with objects in interprofessional education and collaboration. The article draws on two design-based research studies, and the analysis investigates how Danish teacher education and social education students experience meaningful collaboration through new communicative strategies situated in shared social spaces for learning. In the collaborative and playful learning experiments, the students co-create interpersonal and playful objects that become evocative boundary objects connecting the participants across professional educations. Lastly, the analysis addresses challenges in adults re-learning to play, legitimising playful learning approaches in higher education and the barriers to connecting across educational boundaries. In the discussion, I develop the concept of ‘objects-to-relate-with’ and further reflect on the pedagogical potentials and challenges along with the situational constraints of time and culture in higher education playful learning.
Playful Learning, Higher Education, Collaboration, Interprofessional Education, Boundary-Crossing, Objects
How to Cite
Holflod, K., (2023) “Objects-To-Relate-With”, The Journal of Play in Adulthood 5(1), 46-60. doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/jpa.1259